South Korea Pt. 3

I can't believe this series is almost ending... here's the second to the last post of the SoKor series~

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For our last day in Seoul, we decided to go on the hop on/hop off bus tour in Gapyeong. The bus tour have several stops around the city, but the three main attractions that we visited are Garden of Morning Calm, Petite France, and Nami Island.

The station where we could take the bus was more than an hour's travel by train from the place we stayed. We were also told by friends who visited before to go early as the travel from one attraction to another would take about an hour each. Since we planned to visit all of these places in just one day, we headed out earlier than usual. 

Our first stop is the Garden of Morning Calm.

Garden of Morning Calm is such a feast for the eyes. This attraction features a massive garden with beautiful landscapes and colorful flowerbeds. Since we came on autumn season, the trees didn't fail to rise up to the challenge and be as colorful as the flowers.

If you like to have your photos taken, the garden is a perfect place for you. Every inch of the area offers a perfect backdrop for those snaps.

Since there's no autumn in Philippines, I couldn't help but enjoy taking photos of those red maple leaves.

The garden is divided into different areas which has its own sets of themes.

The photos below show you my favorite spot of the garden. The bridge was kind of hidden, but we couldn't help but to take some snaps.  Every pixel of the photo just screams autumn, and I think it's beautiful!

We roamed around the garden for almost two hours but it wasn't still enough to cover the whole area. You might need a day if you plan to visit every corner of this beautiful garden.

Around midday, we then moved on to the next attraction, Petite France. 

This attraction has a little French village vibe... judging by its name. Also, if you read the Little Prince, this place has references all over it. You would notice a Little Prince or even the fox figure around.

Petite France was smaller compared to Garden of Morning Calm. Some of its structures are not even finished yet. Since we have very limited time, we didn't stay too long and left for Nami Island.

Sun was almost setting when we got to Nami. We remained on one spot of the island as there were quite a number of visitors. We went to the less secluded part to get our photos.

Nami Island is also a perfect place to take your photos. As we have companions who are couples, I couldn't help but snap those lovey dovey shots.

It got dark pretty quickly then. There were not much lights around the area too, so there's not much to see anymore. We decided to just head back home. As there were a number of visitors in the island, the queue for the ferry was pretty long. This was actually the only time we had the chance to take photos on the famous row of trees.

I wish we really had more time in Nami. I bet there were a lot of more beautiful things we could see other than that one spot we remained in. I'd really love to go back.

Well, that ends the third part of the SoKor series, there's one more left and it'd be all about Busan. Let me end this post with my playful self in Nami.

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